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Ernst, AR, RS Barak, MC Glasenhardt, AT Kramer, DJ Larkin, HE Marx, R Poulton Kamakura, AL Hipp. 2023. Dominant species establishment may influence invasion resistance more than phylogenetic or functional diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology [Open]. 

Lakrin, DJ, MC Glasenhardt, EW Williams, N Karimi, RS Barak, E Leavens, AL Hipp. 2023. Evolutionary history shapes grassland productivity through opposing effects on complementarity and selection. Ecology [Open].

Barak, RS/N Karimi (co-first authors), MC Glasenhardt, DJ Larkin, EW Williams, AL Hipp. 2023. Phylogenetically and functionally diverse species mixes beget diverse experimental prairies, whether from seeds or plugs. Restoration Ecology [Open].

De Vitis, M, K Havens, RS Barak, and others. 2022. Why are some plant species missing from restorations? A diagnostic tool for temperate grassland ecosystems. Frontiers in Conservation Science [Open]. 

Vitt, P/J Finch (co-first authors), RS Barak, A Braum, S Frischie, I Redlinski. 2022. Seed sourcing strategies for ecological restoration under climate change: A review of the current literature. Frontiers in Conservation Science [Open]. 

Barak, RS, Z Ma, LA Brudvig, K Havens. 2021. Factors influencing seed mix design for prairie restoration. Restoration Ecology. [PDF] [Open] Part of a cross society special feature on the decade of ecological restoration. 

Ernst, AR, RS Barak, AL Hipp, AT Kramer, HE Marx, and DJ Larkin. 2021. The invasion paradox dissolves when using phylogenetic and temporal perspectives. Journal of Ecology. [Online early]

Karimi, N, DJ Larkin, MC Glassenhardt, RS Barak, EW Williams, AR Ernst, AL Hipp. 2021. Selection on convergent functional traits drives compositional divergence in early succession of a tallgrass prairie restoration experiment. Journal of Ecology. [Online early]

McDonough MacKenzie, C, T Chang, MA Nocco, RS Barak, M Bletz, S Kuebbing, and M Dombeck. 2020. Recurrent neural network analysis reveals strong positive public sentiment towards U.S. national monuments. Conservation Letters. [PDF] [Open]

Shaw, N, RS Barak, RE Campbell, A Kirmer, S Pedrini, K Dixon, S Frischie. 2020. Seed use in the field: Delivering seeds for restoration success. Restoration Ecology. [PDF] [OpenPart of a special issue about seed-based restoration. 

McDonough MacKenzie, C, RS Barak, S Bayer, M Bletz, M Brunson, J Dudney, O Gaoue, J Gill, A Harris, Sara Kuebbing, BM McGill, MA Nocco, R Tonietto, M Vahsen, and E Waring. 2020. Plant Love Stories: Share your story and grow a movement. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. [PDF] [Open]

McDonough MacKenzie, C, S Kuebbing, RS Barak, M Bletz, J Dudney, BM McGill, MA Nocco, T Young, RK Tonietto. (Team PLS!). 2019. We do not want to “cure plant blindness” we want to grow plant love. Plants, People, Planet. [PDF] [Open]

Foxx, A, RS Barak, L Richardson, AJ Rodgers, T Lichtenberger, EW Williams. 2019. Evaluating prevalence and quality of codes of conduct in biology conferences. PNAS 116: 14931-14936. [PDF]

Williams, EW, RS Barak, M Kramer*, AL Hipp, DJ Larkin. 2018. Invasion at local and landscape scales is affected by phylogenetic distance and soil properties in tallgrass prairie restoration. Basic and Applied Ecology. [Online early] [accepted PDF]

Hipp, AL, MC Glasenhardt, ML Bowles, M Garner, BC Scharenbroch, EW Williams, RS Barak, A Byrne, E Grigg, MG Midgley, H Wagreich, DJ Larkin. Effects of phylogenetic diversity and phylogenetic identity in a restoration ecology experiment. In: Scherson R., Faith D. (eds) Phylogenetic Diversity. Springer. [available upon request]

Barak, RS, TM Lichtenberger *, A Wellman‐Houde*,  AT Kramer,  DJ Larkin. 2018. Cracking the case: Seed traits and phylogeny predict time to germination in prairie restoration species. Ecology and Evolution. [PDF] [Open]

Barak, RS, EW Williams, AL Hipp, ML Bowles, G Carr*, R Sherman*, DJ Larkin. 2017. Restored

tallgrass prairies have reduced phylogenetic diversity compared to remnants. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:1080–1090. [PDF]

Brudvig, LA, RS Barak, JT Bauer, TT Caughlin, DC Laughlin, L Larios, JW Matthews, KL Stuble, NE Turley, CR. Zirbel. 2017. Interpreting variation to advance predictive restoration science. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 1018–1027. [PDF]

Barak, RS, AL Hipp, W Pearse, J Cavender-Bares, J Callaway, S Hotchkiss, DJ Larkin. 2016. Taking the long view: Integrating recorded, paleoecological, and evolutionary information into ecological restoration. International Journal of Plant Sciences 177:90-102. [PDF] [Open]

Hipp, AL, DJ Larkin, RS Barak, ML Bowles, MW Cadotte, SK Jacobi, E Lonsdorf, BC Sharenbroch, E Williams, E Weiher. 2015. Phylogeny in the service of ecological restoration. American Journal of Botany 102: 647-648. [PDF] [Open]

Riebkes, JL*, RS Barak, AT Kramer. 2015. Evaluating seed viability in prairie forbs: a test of three methods. Native Plants Journal 16: 96-106. [PDF]

Barak, RS, KA Skogen, AT Kramer, JB Fant. 2015. Assessing the value of potential “native winners” for restoration of cheatgrass-invaded habitat. Western North American Naturalist 75:55-69. [PDF]

* indicates mentored undergraduate co-author

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